Sunday, January 17, 2016

Still a nice day, isn't it?

I've spent my whole day yesterday in my room with my earphone and mobile. I was able to watch three movies.. Okay! HEY! This is not a review.. So you mahy e eny go now. ;)

1. BEFORE WE GO. - Darn! I've been looking for this movie every single night for a week now and finally, I've found it. Rate: 4.5/5. Why? Just watch it.

2. THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU. - Rate 5/5. Why? You are completely okay the next time you know it, You're in a complete disaster.. Shit happens and life can be really so complicated, irrational and unexpected but still worth living til the end. Right? #Family

3. Muffin Top: A Love Story - Rate: 4.5/5. Why? Don't be a hypocrite. I like this movie. Something  realistic. Always remember that you/we are beautiful even the world says you're not. Aw! Where's the other .5? Uhm.. secret? Lol!

Still a nice day, isn't it? Lesson learned.

Oh! I would like to thank Mace giving me baon. ;)

//ctto for the photos.


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