Hot Stuff
When you reach into the candy heart bag, there's no doubt you're coming up with a fire red heart that reads "Hot Stuff." It's not so much a label as it's your style — turning heads, getting numbers and raising room temperatures a few degrees when you walk through the door. You'd love someone who could match your flame-throwing ways, but so far, everyone just melts like wax when you turn on the heat. Got a romantic fireside dinner planned for you and your very own hottie? Better keep a hose nearby because sparks could start flying. And if you're still on the prowl, waiting to find someone who can hold their own against your undeniable sense of romance and action, keep a close watch. They're sure to come around soon when they see your "Hot Stuff" coming their way. (taken about 1 year ago)
Quiz: Are You Naughty or Nice?
Straight Arrow
You're a Straight Arrow
You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand while your halo shines in the sun. Nah, we're just kidding. But you are an awfully good person. Sure, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stick to the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and-nudie-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Make a crank call. Go to strip club. Trust us — as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! (taken about 1 year ago)
You're a Straight Arrow
You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand while your halo shines in the sun. Nah, we're just kidding. But you are an awfully good person. Sure, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stick to the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and-nudie-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Make a crank call. Go to strip club. Trust us — as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! (taken about 1 year ago)
While we'd never believe she's Never Been Kissed, Drew is sweet and innocent smile is what makes so many women want to be her, and so many men want to be with her. Like Drew, you have a sparkling personality that can light up a room (or a movie set) the moment you walk into it. Accompanied by an easy-going manner, your charming nature tells people that you are trustworthy and ready for a good time.You love to laugh about anything — jokes, pranks, yourself — and you prefer to maintain a childlike sense of wonder and amusement about the world. Even when things don't go your way, your positive attitude always helps you find the bright side of things. Keep on smiling! (taken 2 days ago)
Quiz: What Type Are You?
Girl Next Door
You are the Girl Next Door. Cute, fun, and sweet, you're Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, and Meg Ryan all rolled up into one — the perfect Girl Next Door. Naturally pretty, unpretentious, and generous, you demand your share of respect, but you aren't particularly high-maintenance. What's your ideal date? Probably a Blockbuster night — you don't mind skipping an evening on the town if it means getting some old-fashioned snuggling on the sofa. Careful yet spontaneous, you're a little bit of the Guy's Girl, a smidge of Sorority Sister (the nice kind), and just a hint of the Hippie Chick. But you've got an appeal that's all your own, which is why the guys can't stay away. People are attracted to your strong values and traditional ways. Your winning smile, bright eyes, and loving nature will make anyone want to hold on tight and never let go.
You are the Girl Next Door. Cute, fun, and sweet, you're Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, and Meg Ryan all rolled up into one — the perfect Girl Next Door. Naturally pretty, unpretentious, and generous, you demand your share of respect, but you aren't particularly high-maintenance. What's your ideal date? Probably a Blockbuster night — you don't mind skipping an evening on the town if it means getting some old-fashioned snuggling on the sofa. Careful yet spontaneous, you're a little bit of the Guy's Girl, a smidge of Sorority Sister (the nice kind), and just a hint of the Hippie Chick. But you've got an appeal that's all your own, which is why the guys can't stay away. People are attracted to your strong values and traditional ways. Your winning smile, bright eyes, and loving nature will make anyone want to hold on tight and never let go.
Quiz: Which candle suits you?
Cyprus Rose
A romantic like you isn't afraid to take risks, especially in the name of love. You've got a great imagination and you like putting it to good use. Lucky for your friends and family, that often means that they're on the receiving end of a sweet note or surprise gift.Whimsical and fun like Cyprus rose, you brighten up any situation. And while your serious side won't let you believe in fairy tales, your sweet side knows there's no harm in working toward a happy ending. That's charming! (taken 2 days ago)
A romantic like you isn't afraid to take risks, especially in the name of love. You've got a great imagination and you like putting it to good use. Lucky for your friends and family, that often means that they're on the receiving end of a sweet note or surprise gift.Whimsical and fun like Cyprus rose, you brighten up any situation. And while your serious side won't let you believe in fairy tales, your sweet side knows there's no harm in working toward a happy ending. That's charming! (taken 2 days ago)
Quiz: What Do Your Eyes Reveal?
Sincereley Sweet
Kind and genuine, you're the sort of gal who's always looking out for others and being a great friend. You have a big heart and can't help but open it up to those you're close with. When you're that pretty on the inside, you can't help but be beautiful on the outside, too.When it comes to makeup, you like to keep things light and low-key. But that doesn't mean you don't enjoy getting dolled up on special occasions. And when you do, we'd guess you only add to your already sparkling and sweet self. You glow girl!
Quiz: What's your vibe?
Tickled Pink
You've got a sweet side that likes nothing better than to be tickled pink. That's why your charming vibe always rubs people just the right way. An affectionate soul like you is always thinking of others, and you find joy in being a generous and engaging part of your community. After all, you know it's much more rewarding to give than receive.This doesn't mean that you won't stand up for yourself when necessary. But you think things through before acting, and you tread lightly when you can. And there's no better way to make a bigger or more lasting impression on people than by leaving them tickled pink too. (taken 2 days ago)

Quiz: What's Your Perfect Car?
Ooo wee! You've got the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and anyone with two eyes wishing they could nestle into your passenger seat. You're all about top-down, Convertible fun. We're thinking '69 Mustang, '64 Corvette, or Mazda Miata, in cherry red, of course. The car for you embodies youth, freedom, and summertime excitement. You've got a wild outlook on life and are always game for a good time. Since you're comfortable being the center of attention, you zip around town looking sleek and fresh, stealing flirty glances from your rearview mirror. Being so sexy and open, you attract friends, love interests, and joy riders wherever you go. It's no surprise if some hot number pulls alongside to challenge you to a little drag down Lovers Lane. You're the classic party mobile so crank up the music and hit the open road. (taken about 1 year ago)
Ooo wee! You've got the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and anyone with two eyes wishing they could nestle into your passenger seat. You're all about top-down, Convertible fun. We're thinking '69 Mustang, '64 Corvette, or Mazda Miata, in cherry red, of course. The car for you embodies youth, freedom, and summertime excitement. You've got a wild outlook on life and are always game for a good time. Since you're comfortable being the center of attention, you zip around town looking sleek and fresh, stealing flirty glances from your rearview mirror. Being so sexy and open, you attract friends, love interests, and joy riders wherever you go. It's no surprise if some hot number pulls alongside to challenge you to a little drag down Lovers Lane. You're the classic party mobile so crank up the music and hit the open road. (taken about 1 year ago)

Sweet 'n' Sexy
You're not overt about your sexuality, but you're not purposely hiding it either — two traits that naturally draw people to you. You possess an understated zest for life, and a way of approaching the day with a can-do attitude that draws people to you. As a teenager, were you maybe a little on the quiet side? Even if you weren't, it's clear that underneath your occasionally understated statements, you have an undeniable sweetness that attracts people who see that special something burning from within.Is it the way you carry yourself? That quiet sparkle in your eye? Those who know you intimately can't wait to uncover your sweetness. What's hiding behind that innocent smile? A little devil perhaps? A tattoo in a seductive spot saved only for your lover? Possibly, but you're so good, you'll never tell. Or will you? (taken about 1 year ago)

Natural Beauty
No fuss, no muss — you're a practical beauty who doesn't rely on frills and passing fads to show off your style. Down-to-earth and oh-so-cool, friends count on you for good advice and a strong shoulder to cry on.You know what you want out of life and don't worry about impressing others with over-the-top outfits and the newest crazy styles. You've got a healthy dose of self-confidence that simply radiates beauty and grace. And nothing's more natural than that. (taken about 1 year ago)

Steady Supporter
Stand by your man — that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.For you, mutual respect is of utmost importance. You are comfortable and confident in your own skin, making you a great pillar of strength in all your relationships. Whether he's striving to climb a mountain or land a promotion, you have his back. Best part is, you know he's got yours too. (taken 11 months ago)

fit to commit because you've met the right person
Sure, you've been in love before, but it looks like you've really found a match in this one. You've probably been around the block a few times, and you know exactly what's out there. Whether you've had a few heartbreaks or some dating disasters, you know a keeper when you find it.You're a fun and energetic catch yourself, and you know that the secret to a great relationship is good communication and good times. An honest soul, you believe in lasting love and making things work. Keep up the good work! (taken a week ago)
(0'-'0) LubDub
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